Confrences Publications


Confrences Publications

S.No. Authors Paper Title Conference Title Indexing
1. Kuljeet Singh, Deepti Malhotra Meta-Learning Based Efficient Framework for Diagnosing Rare Disorders: A Comprehensive Survey International Conference On Intelligent And Smart Computation (ICIASC-2023), Organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chandigarh University, AIP Conference proceeding Scopus
2. Jaffar Amin Chacket, Deepti Malhotra, Kuljeet Singh MtL-RODD: Meta Learning Based Rare Ophthalmic Disorders Diagnosis Framework: A Systematic and -Comparative Analysis International Conference On Intelligent And Smart Computation (ICIASC-2023), Organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chandigarh University, AIP Conference proceeding Scopus

Confrences Attended


Confrences Attended

S.No. Confrence
1. Participated in the “5th International Conference on Recent Innovation in Computing (ICRIC-2022)” organized by the Department of Computer Science & IT, Central University of Jammu on 16-17 May 2022.
2. Participated 5 days International Research workshop on "Computational Intelligence Methods", held during 19th - 23rd August, 2022, organized by Maharishi University of Information Technology, Noida in collaboration with Adonic Informatics.
3. Participated in SERB Funded Five-Day National e-Workshop on “Medical Image Analysis using Artificial Intelligence (MIAAI2022)” jointly organized by the Center For Medical Imaging Studies (CMIS) under Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering (Autonomous), Visakhapatnam, in collaboration with Sankar Foundation Eye Hospital and Institute, Visakhapatnam during 25th to 29th April, 2022.
4. Participated and Presented paper on “Predictive Analysis of Time Series Data” in Two Day National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Advanced Computing and Information Technology (ETACIT-2k18)” at Department of Computer Science and IT, Kathua Campus, University of Jammu, Kathua on February 24-25, 2018.
5. Participated and Presented paper on “Study of Time Series Forecasting Using Exponential Smoothing” in National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Management, Economics & IT” organized by Institute of Management Sciences (IMS), Gurha Brahamana (Patoli), Akhnoor Road , Jammu on May 05, 2017.